Drawing on the unique research, skill sets, experiences, and networks of its members, the Post-Publishing research strand offers support and consultancy services for individuals, groups, and organisations interested in exploring the potentials and possibilities of experimental publishing. We conduct and facilitate (keynote) talks, presentations, workshops, seminars, and one-to-one conversations with interested students, researchers, and staff from different disciplinary backgrounds in the arts and humanities. We welcome inquiries from both in- and outside of Coventry University by those keen to learn about – as well as creatively and experimentally engage with – scholarly publishing and its possible futures.
The publishing support, consultancy, workshops, seminars, and/or conversations we facilitate can be tailored to the needs of your institution, educational environment, or publishing project. Where we have time and availability, we offer our support and consultancy free of charge to individual students, researchers, small community-led presses, or other not-for-profit publishing projects. However, please note that for other type of activities we might charge a fee. Please get in touch with us via ae2434(at)coventry(dot)ac(dot)uk to further discuss how we can help you. We are always interested in offers of collaboration.